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Nutritious and Tasty Healthy Snacks

healthysnacksIf you love great flavors in your snacks, you should definitely try healthy and delicious snacks like trail mix, cheese plates, basic burritos and fruit parfaits.

Fruit Parfaits

Yogurt is packed with probiotics and other important nutrients. Additionally, the mineral, vitamin and antioxidant levels of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries are very well-known. Together a basic fruit parfait can boost your energy levels, while also improving digestive efficiency and strengthening the immune system.

Cheese Plate

People often overlook cheese as a potentially healthy snack. A simple combination of apple slices and smoked gouda cheese is not only a nutrient-dense snack but will also provide calcium, vitamin D, probiotics, Vitamin A and Vitamin B-6. However, eat cheese in moderation, regardless of how delicious it is!

Basic Burritos

A combination of brown rice, black beans, grilled vegetables, and spices can make for a great burrito in the middle of the day. This will provide good levels of fiber, key minerals, antioxidants, and proteins, without compromising on your calorie limits for the day.

Dark Chocolate & Almond Butter

Not all chocolates are created equal, and in the case of dark chocolate, a small amount can be excellent for heart health and blood circulation. With a huge level of iron and a notable level of fiber, dipping a few squares of dark chocolate in omega-3 fatty acid-rich almond butter is an excellent snack choice.

Trail Mix

Combining nuts, seeds, granola, dried fruit and dark chocolate into a healthy trail mix is one of the most filling and delicious snacks out there. You will get an invaluable amount of minerals, antioxidants, fiber, organic acids and complex carbs from this often overlooked snack option.

For more information on healthy snacks, click here.

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