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Why Choose Organic Skincare Products?

Organic Skincare Benefits

What are the benefits to you and your skin and the world of using Organic Skin Care Products as against traditional products?

Firstly, you are avoiding all the harmful chemicals that penetrate into your system through the skin.

In fact, some say putting chemicals on our skin or scalp may actually be worse than eating them. When you eat, enzymes in the saliva and stomach break down what’s ingested and flush it out of the body. However, chemicals on the skin are absorbed into the bloodstream without any filtering. Just imagine what the cumulative effects of long-term use may do.

With some of these skincare ingredients linked to cancers, allergies, neurological disorders and reproductive issues, it’s really time we started reading labels on everything we buy.

Secondly, not only are you avoiding chemicals but you are actually feeding the skin as nature intended. Nature put everything we need on this planet. Products that are close to nature are absorbed and tolerated by your skin so much better than synthetic ones. Your skin will drink them up and will start to develop a healthy glow.

The Dark Secrets Of “Fragrance”

Also the synthetic fragrances found in most traditional products could have almost anything in them. As perfume is recognized as a ‘trade secret’ the manufacturers do not have to declare what they contain, they merely have to put on the ingredients label ‘fragrance’. This loophole is very disturbing. Natural and organic products only use essential oils.

Manufacturing Processes Make A Big Difference

It is not just the raw ingredients that are so much better for you. The processing and manufacturing is also much cleaner and more earth friendly. It is a ‘soft’ manufacturing process and certainly has no irradiation of the end product or the botanical ingredients.

Organic Skincare Helps Our Planet

Thirdly using organic means a better planet. It means higher levels of animal welfare, no GMO, lower levels of pesticides, no manufactured herbicides or artificial fertilizers and more environmentally sustainable management of the land and natural environment – this means more bees wildlife!

You are choosing a better world as well as a healthier body when you choose organic. Choose your products like you choose your food, ingredients matter!

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